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July 2023 Energy Reading: Embracing Our Shadows

Updated: Jul 28

Hello, beautiful souls! Natalie Seigne here. Today, I want to reach out to you in a very honest and heartfelt way with an energy reading that I hope resonates deeply. So, grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and let’s dive into this vulnerable and soulful sharing.

The Challenges of the Healing Journey

Do you ever feel like throwing your hands up and shouting, “Can’t you just give me a break, universe? When is the path going to get easier or clearer?” If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had moments when you’re just over the healing process, wondering when enough is enough. You’re not alone, and I want you to know that what you’re experiencing is part of a larger, transformative process.

July 2023 is a time for shadow work. It’s a season of heart vulnerability, a time when we find ourselves questioning our worthiness and truly seeing who we are—the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s tough, I know. But trust me when I say it’s here to help you. We often feel so alone in our struggles, but more often than not, others are going through similar challenges.

Finding Grace in the Shadows

You might be feeling exhausted in your soul right now, so I want to encourage you to stop pushing yourself to the limit. Take a moment to breathe and, with kindness and non-judgment, look at your own "stuff." Have the courage to peek below the surface and see all aspects of who you are. There is no need to solve everything. What’s truly needed is softness, kindness, and grace toward yourself and others. This is about being brave and embracing the truth of self-love.

Remember, you’re not the only one going through this. Despite how polished and happy everyone on your social media feed might appear, they’re likely facing their own struggles too. This is the storm before the calm, and trust me, you need to weather it to reach the other side. It’s always darkest before the dawn.

Embracing All Parts of Yourself

There’s an important aspect of shadow work I want to discuss. It’s not just about feeling your heart; it’s about seeing the parts of yourself that you may be ashamed or afraid to acknowledge. These are the parts of you that might not always be the victim but could also be the perpetrator. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but are you brave enough to see the aspects of yourself that you’ve kept hidden?

In the past month, through my work with clients and mentees and my personal journey, I’ve come to recognize the immense amount of hate, shame, and guilt that can be held within the soul. The soul, disconnected from Spirit, can absorb limiting beliefs, becoming fractured from the Higher Self and Source energy.

Discovering Compassion Through Understanding

For a long time, I couldn’t tolerate the word “hate.” It was something I wouldn’t even allow my children to say because of its low vibration. But recently, during my own healing journey, I discovered within myself a hatred so intense that I was afraid to acknowledge it. This realization was shocking and humbling. Here I am, preaching love and light, yet confronted with a part of my soul filled with rage and hate.

In that moment, my grandmother in spirit held my hand, guiding me to truly look at the hate and rage. Beneath those intense emotions lay pain—raw, unseen, and lonely. My role was not to add hate to hate or fear to fear, but to see it and give it love. It was one of the hardest healing journeys of my life, but eventually, I was able to see the pain for what it was.

You Are Not Alone

For some of you, there might be hate, rage, anger, guilt, and shame so deeply buried within that you’re terrified to confront it. You may not feel worthy of love because of it, and this affects your boundaries, possibly triggering a trauma response. You may not let people see the real you, fearing that they might discover these hidden parts. But you don’t need to run from yourself anymore.

You can approach these parts with compassion, transforming and alchemizing them through love, grace, and self-forgiveness. It’s not easy, but you are capable of this transformation. By refusing to acknowledge these parts of yourself, you block your own soul and remain trapped in anxiety and detachment. Don’t you deserve better?

You Are Worthy of Love

If you’re struggling with emotions like anger, rage, hate, guilt, or shame, I invite you to reach out. These feelings do not define you. They are just emotions, and you have the power to transform them. Behind these feelings is your pain, your sadness, and a need for healing and love. If you reach out to me, I promise not to judge you. I’ve been there too.

Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.

With all my love,

Natalie Seigne

PS: Shout out to Florence and the Machine for the inspiration behind some of the sentiments expressed here.



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