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The Blog

Burn Down the Boxes: Embrace Your True Self

Updated: Jul 28

Hello, beautiful souls! I'm Natalie Seigne, and as I sit here in July 2024, rereading a post I wrote last year, I can't help but chuckle. The energy of that time was fierce and feisty. I admire my past self for being so straightforward, demanding that the soul be heard. While my energy has softened since then, I still stand by the truths shared in that post. It’s a testament to my journey, showing how I've evolved and broken free from my own fears and limiting beliefs. And if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too!

If you're feeling stuck, if your soul feels like screaming, if you’re feeling trapped—it’s probably time to burn down some boxes!

Why Burn Down the Boxes?

To live your fullest life, you need to be prepared to dismantle the constraints that hold you back. You need to claim your light, your strength, and scream ‘enough!’ It might sound aggressive, but sometimes breaking free requires a fiery spirit. Freedom means stepping outside the box, and that is exactly what you deserve!

These boxes keep you away from living the life you are meant to live. They separate you from your soul’s mission, from alignment, from living with purpose and meaning. They are the voices that say you must be ‘good’ to fit in, even if you feel like a fraud in your own life.

Some boxes keep you feeling stuck, while others offer a false sense of safety. Your soul might be screaming and suffocating inside, but still, you tell yourself it’s okay. You think, “Maybe tomorrow I’ll burn the box.” No, my friend—do it TODAY! These boxes hide your supernatural gifts, making you feel like you have to act or be a certain way. They define you without allowing you to define yourself. Even if the box is pretty, woven with gold, it’s still a box. And staying in it sacrifices your life force.

I don’t know about you, but I’m over it! I’m tearing down the walls of any boxes that don’t fit who I AM, and I want you to do it too! You deserve to create your own life, to pave your own way.

Life is for Living—So Live It!

If I live in a box, and if you do too, it’s going to be one sad life. I want to live fully connected to my life force. I want to dance to the beat of my soul, in rhythm with the magic of life. So, how are you going to get out of that box? Is it a box created by fear, by the cruelty of your own mind? Instead, listen to the whisper of your soul until it becomes a roar.

Take Charge of Your Life

Have you forgotten how powerful you are? Have you forgotten that you are a creator? Be courageous and say ‘no more.’ Be honest with yourself—what does your soul long for? Smash down the walls and pursue that passion!

To truly step out of any boxes that confine you, you must know who you are. Connect with your passions, with the fire inside you. Don’t be afraid of who YOU are! If you’re loud, go be loud! If you’re weird, go be weird! If you’re not like ‘the others,’ great! Go and rock you!

Be a Role Model for the Next Generation

If you’re a parent, we owe it to our children to model a life worth living—a life of joy and freedom. How can we expect our children to live from their souls if we cannot do it ourselves? Are we unknowingly building them a box? Even with the best intentions, it’s still a box!

Break Free from Old Stories

Don’t let old stories define you! Today is a new day. Bring love and compassion to who you were and what you’ve suffered, but close the chapters on the past. Don’t cling to them and the excuses. If you do, you’re giving yourself permission to be boxed. I know there were times when things hurt, when life sucked, and you suffered, but today is NOT that day. Smash down those walls! Whose life is this?

Ignite the Fire Within

I have a fire in my belly to help people create the lives they dream of. Over the years, I’ve seen hundreds of clients change their lives, shift gears, smash the boxes, and then burn them down! Aggressive? Yes. Unapologetically.

In my work, I’ve seen so many clients trapped in boxes created by trauma and shame. Is it possible to get out of these boxes and claim life? Yes—absolutely! I’ve seen souls incarcerated, and I’ve offered them a hand of light, opening portals so they can change their lives. It works—but only if you’re willing to step out of the box with me. If you’re brave enough to know that you matter. You matter so much! And you deserve to live without any boxes. Now is the time to unlock the door. All you need to do is say YES!

Go Be You!

Screw the boxes! Burn them down! It’s time to own your AWESOME!

I believe in you, and I can see your light. If you join me for a soul session or an online workshop—YES—you’re coming out, baby! The voice of our soul will be louder than the bully in your mind.

With Love,

Natalie x


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